Friday, December 16, 2011

a frank post on the state of ignorance

Not to know is bad. Not to wish to know is worse. African Proverb

I am flabbergasted to say the lest when I read this post on media censorship in the land of free speech. Discovery channel bought only 6 of the 7 eps of David Attenborough's latest, Frozen Planet, because the last ep talks about global climate change.
I don't know to congratulate BBC in anticipating this and limiting seditious material to the last ep to prevent the entire series from being banned or throw my hands up in despair when global climate change can be a sensitive to broach when so many other stuff is deemed open topics.
Go figure

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Want to know more about Raffles Lighthouse?

Chanced upon this art exhitbition that curated information on Raffles Lighthouse which I think is very well done! There will be nuggets of information that you wouldn't have realised about Raffles Lighthouse.

Dr Hass filmed the underwater life in Singapore in 1958, recalling the sidghts that he saw at Raffles lighthouse , "it was simply beautiful and enchanting. there were so much tropical sea animals and fish"

There's even a publication list which features our coral reproduction guru Dr James Guest (ah hem one publication is sadly missing)
This exhibition closes on 31st Dec 2011 I believe. Wonder if anyone wants to adopt the printed materials.